Info Tech and the Library

Information Technology
In accordance with the HCAS Technology for Learning Policy, the use of digital technology (phones, computers, tablets, smartwatches, and any other devices that connect to Wi-Fi or the internet) at HCAS is a privilege that we take seriously to ensure student online safety. First Program students use digital technology under the guidance and supervision of a teacher or staff member, whether during class, break times, or after school. Middle and Upper School students have more freedom since they are older, but we continue to monitor their actions to ensure that they are being safe and responsible in their use. All students are expected to use technology in a considerate, ethical, moral, and legal manner consistent with our 7 Cs.

Library periods are included in a student’s curriculum for our students in kindergarten through grade 5. This will allow them to have the opportunity to participate in library lessons, be introduced to a variety of literature, and improve their reading skills. The lessons focus on promoting the love of reading and improving students’ reading skills. Students also have an opportunity to browse after each lesson activity to choose the books on their level that they want to check out to read. They also get some time at the end of their library class to enjoy quiet reading time.

In grades 6-12, students go to the library during a particular course to complete research and check out books to read at their leisure. Specifically in grades 10-12, if a student is granted a study hall, this is done in the library, where we have created an environment of flexible seating as well as positive atmosphere to continue their learning independently.