HCAS 的最新消息
我們想知道與我們的獅子驕傲有關的消息、成就和其他新聞!為了提高效率,我們創立了一個社群媒體發布申請表,您可以在此處 找到來分享您的故事。 此表格簡單且易於填寫。 它將幫助我們收集活動訊息、圖片、影片和連結以便與大家分享!
請留意:只有HCAS Microsoft帳戶可以存取該表格。 如果您是家長,請使用您孩子的帳戶提交請求。 如果您的孩子是幼兒園中班到 四年級,請將帶圖片的訊息發送給助教或老師,讓他們代為提交。
🤖Kindergarten at HCAS 我們的幼兒園🦄
Throughout our first theme of the school year, "Home and School," in the past weeks, our Kindy Kids had the opportunity to meet several members of the school's administration team at HCAS to learn more about their roles in school, Guests include the principal, vice principal, student affair manager, social emotional counselor, and the school nurse.🏫在HCAS幼兒園本學年第一個主題 「家與學校 」的系列活動中,我們邀請了幾位學校的行政成員與孩子們見面,包含校長Jeff, 副校長Nathan, 學務主任Alicia, 諮商輔導老師Jessica, 及校護Sharlin等訪客。
Each visitor took the time to introduce themselves to our young learners, share their responsibilities, and explain how they support students across the school. Afterward, they delighted the class by reading stories . 🗨️每位訪客都與孩子們在短暫的交流中,向孩子們介紹分享並幫助他們瞭解,自己在HCAS校內的角色及職責,解釋他們是如何支持全校學生的,接續著為全班同學朗讀有趣的主題故事。
These interactions helped the children form meaningful connections with the school leaders. 🤝這些互動有助於孩子們,更熟悉學校教職員的背景,並與他們建立具有意義的關係連結。
#新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 #校園生活 #幼兒園 #國家未來主人翁
#HCAS #StudentLife #FutureofNation #LearningProcess
📢Announcement~號外號外!! 看過來!!📢
📝Important Test Dates of 2024~25 Academic Year
🔔 If you or your children are looking to take PSAT, SAT, TOFEL, and/or IELTS, please be mindful with the registration deadline and the test dates! 如果您或您的孩子有計畫要考取:模擬大學入學測驗(PSAT)、美國大學入學測驗(SAT)、托福(TOEFL)、及多益(IELTS)...等,請注意各測驗的「註冊期限」及「考試日期」喔~! 🗓
🌐Download the PDF version on our website:
“I like to move it move it, you like to move it move it,
We like to MOVE IT!!” #TextwithSound #有聲音的文字
Sports team tryout results are in! Last week, students participated in tryouts for football⚽️, boys' and girls' basketball🏀, badminton🏸, tennis🥎, and volleyball🏐
🎊Congratulations to those who made the team! Best of luck with the practices, and keep up the great work. We look forward to seeing everyone shine on the fields!
✨🔥 各項體育校隊選拔結果出爐啦!上週進行了足球、男女籃球、羽毛球、網球、排球等校隊的選拔,恭喜各位入選好手!期待未來每個人在球場上發光發熱! 🔥✨
🦁Welcome Parents to HCAS’ 2024 Back to School Night! 🦁
At HCAS, we thrive to create a solid community and relationships between our faculty and the parents, in order to discover and foster an obstacle-free form of communication. We believe that each and every student at HCAS deserves the education that maximizes their potential.
We hope all parents were able to be more informed about the children’s classroom situation and get acquainted with the teachers. Supporting our students’ learning and well-being is our top priority!
*For those who were not able to join us in person,
a short video will be available by August 23rd (Fri)*
👏👏Warm welcomes to Hsinchu County American School! 👏👏
💖Special thanks for the assistance from our STUCO members during the event last night 🙂
The first “Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)” meeting was held today! Great exchanges, discussions, and suggestions were made regarding future activities and ways to improve the students' school experience. We appreciate the efforts of both parents and teachers. Together, we will make HCAS a better educational environment for our Lions as they march forward into the world!
✨Special thanks for the gorgeous bouquets prepared by the PTA parents!✨