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Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校

1 week 3 days ago

Do you know how fun art is? Do you know the habitats for Polar regions, Grasslands, Oceans, and Deserts? Do you know what animals lives there? Do you want to create your own robot? Do you want to hunt for your Pokémon Monster? Join our Artful Adventure right now!



Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校

1 week 3 days ago

Cornstarch, glue, milk, food coloring, meat, marshmallow, Coca-Cola, Mentos—these are items we use and eat in our daily lives. Do you know how fun it is to use these everyday materials to create something new and incredible? That's why food science is so exciting and enjoyable!



Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校

1 week 3 days ago

Great news for academics at HCAS! Results have been posted for the rigorous Advanced Placement (AP) course examinations offered by the College Board, and HCAS has put in a strong showing! Of the 77 students from HCAS who took AP exams, 71 scored a 3 (passing) or higher on a 5 point scale! That’s a rate of 92%, and the largest number of students that have done that well in HCAS history! Given that our school opens AP courses to most interested students without pre-selection or a lot of pre-requisites, this is a great result and we are very proud of both our students and teachers! Well done!



Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 is feeling thankful.

1 month 3 weeks ago

🎓✨ Congratulations to the Class of 2024! ✨🎓 We are overjoyed to celebrate the incredible achievements of this year's graduating class! The journey of the Class of 2024 has been filled with hard work,

Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 is feeling blessed.

1 month 3 weeks ago

We celebrated this joyous occasion with our wonderful community. Let's come together to honor our K3, G5 and G8 students and the incredible journey they've embarked upon! 🌟🎉

我們與最優秀的學校群體一同歡慶這個歡樂的時刻。讓我們齊聚一堂,向我們的 K3、G5 和 G8 學生以及他們即將踏上的嶄新且令人興奮的旅程致敬!🌟🎉

#K3G5G8CompletionCeremony #ProudMoment #StudentSuccess #CommunityCelebration #AcademicMilestone

Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 is feeling motivated.

1 month 3 weeks ago

🔥The whole school will recieve a speech from the acting principal then a video speech from the principal for next year. The winning house of the year will get presented the trophy and they will celebrate and take pictures. Winning Student Council members will give speeches to the school

✨代理校長向全校致詞,緊接著校長為新學年視訊致詞。年度 House 將獲頒獎杯,大家慶祝並拍照留念。最後獲獎的學生會成員向學校致詞!

Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 is feeling motivated.

1 month 3 weeks ago

🏃‍♀️There will be various competitions happening all over the school all day. In the morning it will be basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, handball, table tennis, chess, connect 4, Wii dance comp. Afternoon it will be house activities in the 5th floor gym.

🏃‍♂️全校在這天舉辦了各種各樣的比賽。早上有籃球、足球、排球、羽毛球、手球、乒乓球、西洋棋、connect 4 以及 Wii 舞蹈競賽。緊接著下午在五樓的體育館舉行 House 活動。

Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 is feeling fantastic.

1 month 3 weeks ago

👏This video aims to introduce the best artwork created by the Pre-AP, Studio Art, and AP Art students at HCAS. Our final exhibition, as a tradition, always asks the students to pick the artwork they are most proud of. This year's exhibition is especially rich in different art mediums, as we showcase textile art, oil painting, pottery, resin, silkscreen, block printing, and designed clothes, among others. Let's be proud of our talented students!

影片介紹了 HCAS Pre-AP、Studio Art 和 AP 藝術學生創作的最佳作品。按照傳統,我們希望學生能在期末展覽展示他們最引以為傲的藝術作品。今年的展覽尤其展現了多元的藝術媒介,包含紡織藝術、油畫、陶藝、樹脂、絲網印刷、版畫、服裝設計等。讓我們為我們才華橫溢的學生們驕傲!

Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 is feeling fantastic.

1 month 3 weeks ago

💃The Hsinchu County American School Kindergarten class recorded their drama performance on video. The HCAS MADD (Music, Art, Dance, and Drama) department collaborated to create a unique performance, captured using a green screen room, so the students could have their own drawings in the background. Acting, singing, and drawing made the activity a comprehensive project, and the Kindergarten class did it all.

💃新竹縣美國學校幼兒園班級用影片記錄了他們的戲劇表演。 HCAS MADD(音樂、藝術、舞蹈和戲劇)部合作創作了一場獨一無二的表演,搭配綠幕使用,讓學生可以在背景呈現自己的畫作。演出蓋涵演戲、唱歌、畫畫,此豐富多樣的創作演出全由我們幼兒園班級包辦!

Hsinchu County American School - HCAS 新竹縣康乃薾美國學校 is feeling hopeful.

1 month 3 weeks ago

🥦🫛🫘🫚HCAS Community Garden has worked hard on planting, researching, and gardening. The students from the Middle and Upper Schools have grown many plants such as tomatoes, chilies, potatoes, and many flowers such as roses and lavender. Our garden at the South Gate has up to 50 plants. We aim to advertise the love of Mother Nature and to educate the students about the hard work behind the food.

🌼🌸🪴🪵HCAS 花園在種植、研究和園藝方面下了很大的功夫。國中和高中部的學生種植了許多植物,如番茄、辣椒、土豆,以及許多花卉,如玫瑰和薰衣草。我們位於南門的花園有多達 50 種植物。我們的目標是宣傳對大自然的熱愛,並教育學生了解食材來源背後的辛勤工作。